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Monday, August 3, 2015

Join Our #happyclassrooms Campaign

Live with Greg and Kayla is on a global mission to change education, and we need your help! The best part? It will only take a few minutes a day, and the impact can and will be long lasting.

Greg Smedley and I have launched a new monthly show and podcast we host using Google Hangouts (#gregandkayla) and on our first show, Greg got up on his soapbox and talked about how the conversation circling education on the news and social media is often negative. This is so sad, because we all know as educators that incredible big things and small things are happening in our schools every single day. We are on the front lines of amazingness each and every day. It's time to stop being ignored. Let's share that stuff out! As teachers, we need to stick together, lift each other up, and SHARE what we are doing. We are all in this to improve the lives of KIDS!

Well, George Couros challenges schools to post awesome things happening in school to school hashtags, which is where we got the idea. He is sort of a brilliant genius. Go follow him right now on Twitter @gcouros if you haven't yet. Greg and I thought about his challenge, and racked our brains for  a lonnnnnng time about what we could do globally to unite us all as educators.


If all of the followers on my social media accounts shared just positive ONE thing to the #happyclassrooms hashtag daily, the impact would be huge... like tens of thousands of posts in just one day HUGE! Multiply that by one week, one month, or one year. Combine that with Greg's followers and we are talking tens of thousands of posts each day! Now, combine that with the thousands of teacher friends you all have! Do you see how awesome and easy this will be? It's time to multiply our presence on social media and take over the conversation.

So, let's do it! Can you help us out? Here's your challenge. Each day post on thing to your social media accounts (IG, Twitter, Facebook, whatever!) that shows happy kids in a happy classroom! Show the amazing learning, engagement, and motivation happening! Show the determination and grit that happens each day in schools. Share it all out! Disclaimer: do not actually posts pictures of kids faces if you don't have parent permission yet. PLEASE make sure you user hashtag #happyclassrooms, so other teachers around the world can see it all too! We are thrilled that some of our #aussieED friends have already joined in on our campaign. It's going global and blowing up social media. This school year, keep sharing it all out! It's time to own the conversation happening about education.

Please spread this mission to your education friends, but more importantly, share to our hashtag.


Kayla Dornfeld
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[name=Kayla Dornfeld] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSZRDonCpADIVNDUHPkYw0mzJWDalDwj6-l8Dn1EBtlzL9_AMdJwZzcs-BQzHLto1vsFbR1JUN2zUMujD4J9VIBBfxegeXUAIFR9kLrbSgIwwGpdaD9wJVieV33Gik2d-8JBR6Z-FSUP16/s1600/authorbox.png] [description=2019 North Dakota Teacher of the Year. Mrs. West Fargo International. Internationally Awarded 3rd Grade Teacher. CEO. Global Keynote Speaker. Author. Flexible Seating Pioneer. TEDx Talk Speaker. 2018 Sioux Award Winner. Innovative Education Task Force Leader.]

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