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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Bursting with Zane Gothberg Pride!

On Thursday we had North Dakota Hockey Day in our classroom to support Zane in his big game! We had Champion Chip ice cream and made ND Hockey crowns. We also made another video for our favorite goalie and Mystery Reader, Zane Gothberg. I have blogged a view times about his visits with my class every year, but this year is extra special. He made us videos on his post season game days, and tweeted with us several times throughout the season. The morning of his Frozen Four game day vs. the MN Gophers was no different. He texted me a video to share with the class, and I uploaded it to YouTube for parents to see, too.

On Friday, Zane texted me this message to share with the class:
"Thank you so much for everything Kayla. From working with your kids to building a relationship with you. It's been an awesome experience and you guys have helped me just as much if not more than I have to you. Really appreciate it Kayla! Tell your whole class thank you so very much! I can't believe what you guys have done for me."

Zane will have 24 nice surprises in his mailbox when he gets home from his biggest fans. We love writing to him and hearing back from him.

Even though the game didn't end the way we were hoping, we know Zane is a winner no matter what! I am so proud to call him a friend, and I am so impressed with how special he makes these kids feel everyday and the example he sets for them. He is an awesome goalie, role model and person!

After the game, WDAZ reporter Dan Corey tweeted this and I couldn't agree with him more!

I received several emails and messages from parents Friday morning to say thanks for bringing Zane into our classroom and introducing him to their children. He is more than just a goalie to us, he has changed the lives of over 100 of my students in the last 4 years.

Here are 2 examples of messages I received:

I am adding pictures from this fun day as well as the most recent 2 videos.

Here is the video we sent Zane:

Here is the video we got back from Zane:

Blake was our Tweeter of the Day, and he got some great pictures!

Maxx even visited and got in on the action!

Love this picture! I brought in some extra shirts from home for kids that didn't have any!
Just for fun - here's the pic from when he visited in December!

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