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Thursday, February 2, 2012

TOP DOG Behavior Chart

I took a picture of our Top Dog Behavior Chart to show families how my kids monitor their behaviors throughout the day. I'm sure your child has told you about where their clip ends up, and you are probably wondering what that is all about. Everyday, all the clips start on "Ready to Learn". If your child earns smart beads, answers questions correctly, fills a bucket, or behaves in an extra positive way, they get to move their clip up one spot. If your child gets to "You're a Top Dog" and stays there, they earn a certificate from me. Clips can also move down. "Obedience School" is the place where kids move their clips if they have a take a break. After 3 take a breaks, they move down to "Kennel Time". "Kennel Time" is the same as a buddy room. My kids decided at the beginning of the year that if they went to the buddy room, their parents needed to know they made some negative choices, so we call home. If your child's clip goes to the "Dog Pound", they see Mr. Wienen or Mr. Marolt. The "Dog Pound" is not a popular (WOW WORD!!!) place for kids to go! This behavior chart has been an AWESOME way for kids to keep tabs on their own behaviors throughout the day. All kids want to earn smart beads and move their clips up! It is fun to see them work hard and do their best to earn "Top Dog" status! I will post more about smart beads later.

:) Mrs. Delzer

PS I sure missed my Top Dogs today when I was at a meeting. I can't wait to see them tomorrow!! I missed them SO, SO, SO much!!! Don't forget we are going snowshoeing with our 4th grade buddies tomorrow! Bring your snowpants and boots!

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